Do you have a secret "guilty pleasure" recording?

You know...a recording that you would never play for anyone else because you are afraid they would think your nuts and snicker. I'll go ahead and admit mine - "The Carpenters Greatest Hits." Now stop that! I bet you have a guilty pleasure recording. What is it?
Bread's Greatest Hits on vinyl. I waver between leaving the room and then there are these moments of compositional brilliance. Oh well..suffice it to say it doesn;t get a ton of heavy rotation, but once in a while...It Doesn't Matter To Me is so syrupy yet LA polished.
I have tons of stuff that my friends snicker at but I don't feel guilty or embarrassed. What embarrasses me is that most of my friends have not broadened their musical horizons and still listen mainly to the stuff they loved in high school. Deep Purple and Journey are cool but jeez, there's other stuff out there that's kinda interesting, too.
When nobody's looking, I periodically enjoy playing the Bee Gees, Pat Benatar, John Denver, and -- don't tell anyone this -- Sir Mix-a-lot.

the bee gees-cucumber castle just hit the one's here and i love it.