Do you have a secret "guilty pleasure" recording?

You know...a recording that you would never play for anyone else because you are afraid they would think your nuts and snicker. I'll go ahead and admit mine - "The Carpenters Greatest Hits." Now stop that! I bet you have a guilty pleasure recording. What is it?
How about anything by ABBA. A friend of mine described them as the group that all guys like but won't admit it.

My guiltiest pleasure of all is singing along full volume to whatever I'm playing. I only do this when nobody is home,...or when I'm in the shower, which has excellent acoustics by the way.
'The Original: Gene Autry sings Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer & other Christmas Favorites'
Sure Arthur Tracy "The Street singer" I love the song east of the sun and west of the moon, brings a tear to my eyes.