'they blew'em off the stage'

what concerts have you attended, where the warm up act blew the headliners away.....my examples...brownville station upstaging zz top to the point where people where chanting 'brownsville station!' during the littl ol' band from texas' set.....another..t.rex upstaging lynyrd skynyrd(yes there really was such a show), and the grass roots upstaging cream.
Many years ago the pre-Joe Walsh Eagles upstaged a post-Joe Walsh James Gang. The line up was:

James Gang
The Souther, Hillman and Furay Band.

Not a bad night.
Fillmore East, the 70's, everybody's stoned on acid waiting for Emerson, Lake, & Palmer and out comes Edgar Winter's White Trash.......NO CONTEST!!!!!;)
1978-Starcastle (long gone) opened for Styx at Alpine Valley. Styx was great but Starcastle was even better.
I think it was Jan.1969 and we went to the Fillmore East to see Iron Butterfly who was headlining the concert.

There were three acts on the bill. Opening was The Youngbloods who were good. We never heard of the second act but from the moment they kicked into their first number to the last slashing guitar chord Led Zeppelin blew the house down. Last up, it was Iron Butterfly who in comparison seemed like a bunch of old ladies in wheelchairs. And they knew it!

It seems Zep's first album was released that week and this was one of their first US gigs. That Monday after, I ran down to my local record store (remember them?) to get the lp but it was already on backorder!

It's a bit sad that Iron Butterfly had such bad luck.
Many years ago, pre-Buckingham/Nicks Fleetwood Mac, with Peter Green playing blues guitar opened for original Ozzy Osbourne Black Sabbath. No contest. Mac.
As for that Commander Cody/Byrds concert, I saw that tour in South Florida. I had backstage passes and stood on stage. Sorry, Rcprince, Cody was fun, but the Byrds . . . stellar.
Biggest mismatch -- my younger sister went to see The Monkees. Jimi Hendrix opened. Need I say more.