John Mellencamp "Life,Death,Love....."

Very interesting CD/DVD. Lyrics worth listening to - great sound . The included DVD-A for reasons un-clear to me ( different mix?)sounds signifigantly better thru the digi out jacks ( downconverted)into the EAD DSP-Pro than the CD does?
Ag insider logo xs@2xstonedeaf
Much of this album reminds me of Springsteen's 1995 Ghost of Tom Joad.

The moods and emotions in the songs are very similar IMO.

There is some terrific instrumentation and overall one of his best efforts.

I'm still partial to Uh-Huh and American Fool.
T Bone Burnett uses ATC speakers for engineering, mixing and also for mastering (uses Gavin Lurssen). He has a thing about ensuring proper dynamics in what he produces. "Raising Sand" recently won album of the year Grammy. Perhaps there is still hope for a return to well recorded uncompressed music...