Chopin Fantasie Impromptu, Opus 66

Can anyone recommend a great performance/recording of this piece?
Hey Newbee (and all)- I finally listened to the Kissin today. Wow, that is a unique and passionate interpretation - he really makes the music his own in some ways. I really enjoy his playing. It is a much bolder interpretation than Hewitt, who tends towards the traditional and romantic. It sounds very different indeed from Hewitt's rendition of some of the same compositions. Sonics are OK, but not great on the Kissin -- better than the Hewitt SACD I'm getting, on par with the burned CD of the same. Good for a live recording overall. I guess I'm spoiled with the expectation of the immediacy of various studio recordings of piano (which make it sound as if the piano where in the room rather than on a stage in the distance) that I enjoy so live on stage always seems to fall short in that respect. Certainly not in the performance, especially in this case. Thanks very much for pointing me that way. Next up; Rubenstein! Newbee, did you get the Pletnev I suggested?
Hi Jax2, Kissin DOES make it his own, doesn't he. :-)

I've got Pletnev on my order list, but I'm waiting for some more to get there before I hit the button. I'll let you know when I hear it. I'm now more curious than ever.
I've got Pletnev on my order list, but I'm waiting for some more to get there before I hit the button. I'll let you know when I hear it. I'm now more curious than ever.

$6 used on Amazon with about $3 for shipping: you cannot go wrong! I look forward to hearing your impressions. I've really been enjoying the Kissin. BTW, I passed on the Hewitt SACD along with the burned CD's to a friend with a universal player. He listened at my house and was astounded at the difference. I'll be curious to hear what happens on his player. I'll post to that other thread.
Rubinstein would be my first choice, to me, he just sounds right but a second choice would be Kissin or Perahia. Was surprised that no one else mentioned the later.
Well, just for the fun of it I pulled Perahia's out and played it. It has been a long time since I last listened to it. Perhaps I should have mentioned it in my initial post to Jax2. It's quite nice indeed, if a bit on the soft dreamy side which is just what I thought might be something he would like.

BTW, if you are adventurous at all about Chopin, or for that matter Brahms and Rachmaninoff, try Biret on Naxos. I don't know why no one ever mentions these performances. Just excellent, and budget, recordings no less. Just don't think because she is a woman they are going to be soft and wimpy. Not! She in the middle of doing a traversal of Beethoven's sonatas and even though my shelves a 'full' I'm going to try some. Oh, BTW, should you not be familiar with the Brahms Intermezzi hers would be a great place to start. Some of the most sublime music for solo piano and she does it well!