Chopin Fantasie Impromptu, Opus 66

Can anyone recommend a great performance/recording of this piece?
My favorite performance of that 4th impromptu is actually an old Philips recording by Bela Davidovich. Very expressive, well recorded, and quite a bit better than the Rubenstein performance I have.

newbee - I just want to disagree with your recommendation of Biret on Naxos. I have her recording of the sonatas and, due to poor sonics, it is a mush - distant and muddy.
Jult52, FWIW I sort of listen to performances more than sound, so one must always look elsewhere for sonic spectaculars, but just for the fun of it I put the recording on that you mentioned.

On the system I used, Primaluna 3/5, Wadia 302, and Silverline Bolero speakers, I found the sound of this CD to be a bit dry and slightly edgy in the upper mids, but far from the 'mush-distant and muddy' you have experienced. This is a sonic signature I have come to accept as the norm for most Naxos recordings I have purchased (not that many, but most of Biret's).

Obviously we have different systems as well as expectations.

BTW, sonics apart, what do you think about Biret's skills as a Chopin interpreter/performer?
Newbee - I'm not familiar with her Chopin, although I know she has a positive rep. I usually try to be forgiving of sonics but some of the Naxos releases test my patience and that Rach disc is one of them.
Hi Jult52, Noted that you were referring to Rachmaninoff's Sonata not Chopins. I just happened to have Birets Rachmaninoff's recordings and played some of them this AM. including the Sonata #2. Different than the Chopin, perhaps a bit more balance in the lower frequencies, but like the Chopin Sonatas, far from muddy/mushy/distant on my system, and yet I do believe you heard what you heard as you described it. It is just your speaker system.

I came across a post you (I assume) made on Audioasylum and noted that your speakers are Maggies. These are excellent speakers and loved by many BUT they are not renowned for excelling at 'specificity', quite the contrary. So a recording with information coming from one point on a stage will tend to smear when reproduced by a panel speaker (especially when the design doesn't include a separate tweeter, such as a line stage ribbon etc). The greater the denseness of the information, the greater the smear and this could certainly sound muddy/mushy.

While panel speakers sound fine on orchestral music and listening from places in the room other than the sweet spot (of carefully located speakers/chair/room) when faced with reproducing music or voice originating from a specific source they don't do so well. The classic example is the voice of a singer which should localize very specifically is spread across the stage created by the speakers and make the singer sound grossly disproportionate to what you might hear live. Same applies to violins, pianos, etc.

FWIW, I'm posting this not so much to create controversy with you over what we are hearing, but more so to insure that any folks who might be otherwise interested will not be put off by your (I think) indiscriminate denigration of Biret's recordings on Naxos).
OK, newbee, just did a listen to Biret's recording of the Rachmaninoff Sonatas 1 & 2 (the only I one I have) and I stand by my comments so we'll have to disagree. I always enjoy your posts on A'gon, so keep 'em coming.