Beethoven Ninth Symphony

Wanting recommendations for a top-notch recording which has all the passion and fire, and outstanding sonics. I can play CDs and SACDs, but not DVD-As.

Furtwangler's may be the best ever performances, but sonically they are very poor.... sigh.
Furtwangler's final performance has been released on SACD. It was recorded in '54. The sound is decidedly mono, but warm and full; probably as good as it can get on SACD.

IMHO Karajan's with Baltsa from the '70's has the best, most intensely-beautiful slow mov't I've ever heard, but the sound gets downright ugly in the final mov't. (All things being equal, it's a hard mov't to record.) Fricsay's IMHO is the most "sensible" and that's no slight: it's a gorgeous and exciting reading in DG's early, sensible stereo sound.

One final word: There are probably 120 available Beethoven 9th's. I've not hear them all by a long shot. Right now I'm falling in love with Beethoven all over again listening to Scherchen's cycle on Westminster Lp's. Some of these are available on CD. He takes Beethoven's metronome markings at the Composer's word--they're very fast in the outer mov'ts, but oh so exhilarating. Some claim that his orchestras weren't up to the task, but I'll take these fascinating thrill-rides any day over the plush, careful performances we get today. Do give one a spin.
i second Newbee's Bernstein / VPO recommendation.
there's an excellent Bernstein Beethoven cycle on SHM-CD. it's not cheap but the sonics are great & the performance IMO is as good as it gets (even better than the Vanska, Toscanini, Furtwrangler, & Karajan recordings).

don't get the Bernstein Berlin Wall live recording tho. that one sucks (pardon my language).
Detlof, LOL - at last I get my due acknowledgement from one of the gods of audio. As a broken clock is right twice a day, so can a Newbee. :-) But lets not make this a habit, too much concurrence gets boring.
Don't worry dear Newbee, we can't afford to get you bored....we need to hear you ticking....(;