
What artist or music do you like, that generally you won't play around your wife or friends/family, because you may fear mockery, or not enjoy it, out of being misunderstood, because they don't/wont "get it"

sorry for the wrong use of quotation marks.

Be brave and tell..

OR.... maybe it's just me, and I'm too self conscience.

Here's one of mine.

Antonio Carlos Jobim

I think he was great,my wife looked at me like I'm nuts and was starting to like elevator muzak.

Jobim's great, especialy his TIDE album.

Anyone else? Please tell!
Simply Red.....I am so embarrassed! Good thing that when my system reach its final stages of refinement, these CDs were unlistenable for such compression!

Not listened to them in a while!
Jb8312 , I use two cuts on Simply Red's Picture Book LP for reference's.Shame on me,I guess.
Simply Red.....I am so embarrassed! Good thing that when my system reach its final stages of refinement, these CDs were unlistenable for such compression!

Huh? Picture Book is a very well recorded album - so they can't be all bad.
I've found that nothing clears out a room faster than Albert Ayler's "Live in Greenwich Village" LP. My wife runs screaming from the room when this one goes on. I have had few takers but that doesn't dampen my love for this music one bit.