Highly Recommended CHILL OUT CDs???

Hi everyone - just going thru a Chill Out phase at the moment hifi wise. I was just wondering if anyone has any recommendations. Anything in the Style of BLISS - Quiet Letters would be great! Otherwise, any other audiophile sounding pressings or titles.
Thanks in advance
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"Electronic Realizations for Rock Orchestra" - Synergy
good call . . . Larry Fast (aka Synergy) recorded multiple albums and they are all great, though a little higher energy than the reference recording.
How about a few "classical" and jazz chill out suggestions:

George Gurdjieff: Chants, Hymns and Dances (classical)

Franquiz Ali-Zade: Mugam Sayagi (classical--Kronos Quartet)

Somei Satoh: Birds in Warped Time II (classical/
minimalist, will be hard to find a recording but transcendentally beautiful)

Arvo Part: Tabla Rasa, Fratres, Cantus (classical on ECM label)

Charlie Haden/Quartet West: Haunted Heart (Jazz, perhaps it demands too much attention to be "chill out")

Tord Gustavsen Trio: Being There (jazz)