Johnny Winter better than ever

WOW! Got to see Johnny last night in a 500(!) seat house last night. His handlers sort of guided him in and assisted him off stage, but this guy has all the magic he ever had, if not more! Plays with his eyes closed, never looking at the frets! Used a pinky slide and a different axe for the encore and literally brought the house down! A show to remember!
I'm a huge Winter Bros. fan since the '70's. I saw them both a bunch of times back in the day. Being a fan I try to support their work to this day, Edgar's last record, 'Jazzin' The Blues' was the best thing he's done in decades! That said, I picked up Johnny's last record, I can't even remember the name, and sold it the next day! His playing was sub-standard but most striking to me was the complete deterioration of his voice. Again, being a fan, all I can say is it really saddened me.
"LITERALLY brought the house down"
So are you the only one left to tell the tale or were their more survivors?
I think I am the only one with enough energy left to tell the tale! Perhaps fearing the structural integrity of the house, he saved this barn-burner tune for last!
So what is the "best" guitar player anyway ? If you like the music then you probably think the guitarist is the best! Personally, while I like the long or wild solos as much as the next guy, that isn't the be all or end all to great guitar playing. Style, tone, and subtlety means a lot, as well as can the player PLAY rhythm too ? Van Halen has been quoted as saying he is proud of the fact, and others agree that he is a great rhythm guitar player, and that among serious guitar players - soloing is considered extra or showing off. The meat and potatoes of a good guitar song are the rhythm guitar parts and being a GOOD rhythm guitar player is essential and part of being a good guitarist.
winter at the fillmore east with his brother on board. best show i ever saw there. when he was a blues player he was absolutely hypnotic to watch. i thought he was less adapted to rock. i skipped seeing him last year because i was afraid i would be disappointed. i know he has had health problems. well next time i'll be there.