Who was your first

What was the first jazz artist that got you hooked on jazz? I was in a high end audio store and the salesperson put on Dianna Krall All or nothing at all on a pair of B&W's and ever since then I was hooked. And that is what led me down this never ending audio addiction.

I have actually on a whim within the last few months picked up a couple used Spyro Gyra albums in mint condition for a pittance, like a buck apiece. These are very good recordings and the music and performances are quite good and enjoyable overall if not earth shattering creatively.

$1 can still buy you some good new sounds these days!

I'm not laughing.....
Not sure whether it was Bill Evan's (Trio) Debbie, or Oscar Peterson's (Trio) We Get Requests. In either event it was a great place to start and has anchored a lot of my jazz preferences.
More Jazz Fusion than JAZZ but for me it was Pat Metheny and Jean Luc Ponty back in high school.
I think it was 1960.I heard Maynard Ferguson's rendition of My Funny Valentine.He hit notes that very few others could. After listening to Maynard play I wanted to go back and listen to anyone else that recorded this masterpiece.That was just about everyone and i've been hooked on Jazz ever since
Miles Davis' in a silent way. A friend put it on a tape for me. I probably played that tape 100 times.