Who was your first

What was the first jazz artist that got you hooked on jazz? I was in a high end audio store and the salesperson put on Dianna Krall All or nothing at all on a pair of B&W's and ever since then I was hooked. And that is what led me down this never ending audio addiction.
Mapman , I had the pleasure of meeting Al Hirt at Moms in New Orleans about 20 years back.
I listen to Coltrane "My Favorite Things about one a month and each time I listen I still hear and learn something new from this recording.
I also have Mangione's Feels So Good I loved it when it first was released.My wife still enjoys it but I have to leave the room when she wants to hear it.Funny how things change over time.
Now,back to the question.1955 Count Basie "April In Paris"

I too got turned on to jazz at a high end audio shop ("Keith Jarrett at the Blue Note"). But I really got HOOKED when I befriended another customer I met while in that same shop. He invited me over and introduced me to his extensive classic jazz collection. It's hard to know which one really got me; it would probably be between "Kind of Blue" and Keith Jarrett's "Koln Concert".
Not only can I tell the artist (Oscar Peterson) and the LP (Montreux '77 on Pablo) I can tell you the song that got me hooked: "Ali and Frazier". My RA was playing this in his dorm room my first day of college and I've been addicted ever since! I still get goosebumps every time I put on that record.
I attended a concert by ECM artists at Berklee in Boston 'round about 1972 (Rypdal, Towner, etc)and that was that.
My Grandma used to let me play her 78's of Ella, Ellington, Hawkins & Lester Young when I was about 4 years old, on an old wind-up gramaphone and then Dave Brubeck was probably a re-awakening about 8 years later.
I suppose 55 years later and still adding to my 12000+ collection of vinyl & c.d.'s, you could say that I'm hooked on jazz.