man do I miss Tower records and

Man Do I miss Tower records and most of all their Annex. I would have dinner and after take a walk to their annex where there were thousands of Lps and Cd cutouts, and just so much more for the eyes and ears. I would stay there for hours until closing around 11pm finding so much, and now it's just an empty store. Anyone in NYC know of a place that is open much later then usual or should I just realize that does days are now over.
I agree with Devilboy completely with his assessment of this so called generation,when it comes to music. This generation for what I see is slovenly,rude and crude also very ill mannered. I can't say how many times I go out to dinner and looking at this new generation I say to myself, don't you own any descent clean clothes or do they even shine their shoes? Instead we get hats on backwards with dirty feet in flip flops. So if you don't care about your own self when comes to cleanliness, why care about anything else Maybe I am being a little to harsh with them. Because when I do go to the Met I am seeing more young people. Unfortunately still in the same dirty jeans and hats on backwards,but at least their attending. Well back to the topic. I am hoping that stores like Academy records and Cd's and numerous place's that I peruse will be there for the long time coming.
I miss Tower too and agree with Devilboy. The Tower store here in Nashville Tn is greatly missed and has been replaced by FYE which leaves little to be desired compared to Tower. Borders seems to be reducing stock and the only game in town is a great indi store Grimeys. Many days were spent at the Tower store on West End checking out the new releases and finding those `lost` treasures that were just released. Great folks at Tower and the music selection was top notch. Myself,well I purchase online from the usual sources and shop at Grimeys but my heart and memories will always be with Tower.
Well, you probably are being a little too harsh. Each generation has a different value set from the next. Our parents didn't care for a lot of things about us. Being so sure that your values are the right ones is just ignorance or arrogance or both. (Ok, maybe I'm being too harsh!)

On a similar topic, though, I was saddened to hear an interview with Billy Corgan who said that he doesn't see any point in making albums any more. He thinks he/the Pumpkins will just release songs from now on.

Yes, he's playing to the new values. And I can't say whether it's right or wrong. I'm just someone who valued the long playing album format, and will be sad to see it disappear if it happens.


The comment by Billy Corgan in the post above is really sad. If artists only release singles, there will be pressure to focus on what is likely to be commercially successful. Music will become more Top 40 oriented and formulaic. That's fine so far as it goes. Certainly there are many albums containing songs that are just "filler" to get the album out and meet contractual committments. However, there are also many albums that have hidden gems pushing artistic boundaries or just don't meet the commercial format. I'm always thrilled to find things on albums by my favourite artists that never see the light of day on most radio stations. Many of these are amongst my favourite tunes.