What piece of music can you play over & over?

I had discovered a new opera a few years back that I can't believe I played over and over for six weeks straight without changing the disk once.
I believe this means the composer was a genius, who else but Mozart can do this, and the opera was Abduction from the Seraglio.
Have any goners found themselves in the same situation.
I listen to different music.

As for the operas, recent operas I was stuck on are Turnadot and aftet that one I switched to Shostakovich's Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk. Speaking of a complex opera. Try this one. One of my favorite.
One other factor is the paitience level of the listener. A second might be the amount of dispoasable time, perhaps.

I simply can not sit for hours on end listening to the same exact album or track... regardless the content... regardless the attachment I have to it.

The only way I'll allow such events are as 'background' filler, or like when breaking in gear.

In my case, it's not the music, it's me. I can listen and do listen to things over and over again.... just not consequetively... over and over ad infinitum.

I have and therre is, simply too much good music to hear that I'd consume hours on end with the exact same content. If it were so, and or a routine thing, I believe professional help is in order... were it myself.
I listen to my iPod at work. This is when I get to hear part of my music collection I don't normally play a lot.
If I like something I can listen to it over and over while I'm working. No I do not sit and listen to the same thing at home...there is simply no time.
Gawdbless-- Cdo is just ocd in alphabetical order. Some of us are anal that way. lol