"Pictures at an Exhibition"

I'd love a recommendation for a really great sounding recording of the Ravel orchestration of "Pictures at an Exhibition." I have several recordings of this work, but none of them are recorded particularly well in terms of sound stage and dynamics, and now that my new system is up and running, I'd love something that can really show it off. Anything in a standard audio CD or easily accessible LP would be fine. Thanks in advance! :-)
I have three versions on cd,

Mehta/Nu Yoik Philharmonic on CBS MK35165,

Lorin Maazel/Cleveland Orch on Telarc CD-80042

But my favorite version is by Bernstein/Nu Yoik Philharmonic also on CBS MYK 36726

I think all are digitally remastered from Analogue.
Yeah, I have the ELP version on vinyl, and it's a lot of fun. In fact, it's what introduced me to the piece to begin with. I love the orchestral version, too.

I have a several versions on LP. Early London Digitally Recorded LP's with no sense of depth at all... They're just bright.

Gawdbless, how's the Bernstein version for sonics?
Apologies, I made a mistake, I loaded my multi player with all three cd's, I got them in the order wrong from what I thought I was listening to, the Bernstein is sonically good, but the Maazel/Cleveland on Telarc is sonically superior to my ears.
If you want the 'best' get an original RCA LP of Reiner and the CSO, an outstanding recording of an outstanding performance. You'll get a feeling for what RCA Living Stereo is all about if you haven't already heard them on a good system. But it may not be as assessible as you wish. I'd bet it would cost a 'bit'. In the alternative find a RCA .5 edition, it is almost as good and should be easier to find and relatively inexpensive. I can't speak to the quality of the SACD/Hybrid reissues.

15 minutes later - I just listened to the Reiner edition on the original CD. Its flat dimensionally - still a great performance but not a demo disc.

Now the good news about something you didn't ask for - demo quality Mussorgsky on the cheap. BUT it is the Stokowski Transcriptions by Jose Sebebrier and the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra on Naxos. Try it. Not only a BIG piece, musically speaking it is a break from the Ravel Orchestration.