"Pictures at an Exhibition"

I'd love a recommendation for a really great sounding recording of the Ravel orchestration of "Pictures at an Exhibition." I have several recordings of this work, but none of them are recorded particularly well in terms of sound stage and dynamics, and now that my new system is up and running, I'd love something that can really show it off. Anything in a standard audio CD or easily accessible LP would be fine. Thanks in advance! :-)
The Maazel/Cleveland version, the Reiner/CSO version on RCA, and the Bernstein/NYPO are all good. I think I probably prefer the Maazel on CD. The two piano versions I like are the Richter recording with BBC (probably considered the classic), and one by Yevgeny Kissin - very well-recorded and excellent musicianship (then again, I am a Kissin fan).

There are organ versions by Asselin (forgot his first name) and someone with a name like Arthur Mills; once upon a time I looked for PAAE on organ and never got around to buying one. I can imagine a good transcription would be fantastic.
If you can find the 45 rpm Reiner Classic Reissue, wow. Reveal more of the CSO's sensitive playing which is desirable since Reiner keeps pretty tight reigns and I, personally, found it a little off-putting at first, while listening to the SACD. I also found Ansermet's refreshing on London ffss or SXL.
Wow, thanks for all the great information, guys! You've given me a lot of research to do!