"Already Free" - Derek Trucks Band

Excellent CD by Derek Trucks, quite possibly his best. Btw, Derek produced this CD himself, and sound quality is definely a "cut above" most commercial CDs. Also, Best Buys has this CD on sale for $9.99 and it includes 3 bonus tracks.

In addition, this recording is also available in vinyl (but not at Best Buys).

I prefer "feel, soul, groove" over sonic perfection. Sometimes in the process of sonic perfection, the "soul" of a recording gets lost. Very few recording are able to capture both.
It appears that the vinyl mix of this recording is different (and superior) to the CD mix. Guess I'm going to have to find someone who has a vinyl copy of this recording and have a listen myself. Thanks to MrBlues44 over on the Hittin the Web site for this comment.

"Picked up the vinyl & the cd, and I gotta say that the mix for the vinyl is sonically very different than the cd, imo. It is a different master than the cd, as the LP liner notes state. I dig the cd mix, but man after I got home and threw the needle in the groove it was like listening to a different album, the openess of it, the space between the instruments, the tone of derek's amp, it felt like I just popped my head in the door of derek's studio because you can feel that room."
Cleanedup, This is why I spin vinyl. It can capture both. If you read that review you posted, it describes the "muddyness" I hear. These two artists have moved WAY up my 'must see live' short list. Susan was on Leno Tues, and I was waiting for my local record shop to open the next morning! They only had the CDs. I will buy both LPs and report back.
Heard the album last night. I'd call it Allman Brothers 3.0. not lite. I heard the original Allmans. Duane was unique. Their music was groundbreaking at the time. Overall I prefer the new, updated version (Allman 2.0) . Too me, Already Free sounds like an evolution of the theme. Like the more blues/RB feeling than the eastern stuff on Songlines. Though I LOVE Crow Jane and Chevrolet
Just my opinion