Willie Dixon - I Am the Blues.

I picked up a cheap copy of this and I'm really impressed. This is a really really well recorded blues date. Sounds like Columbia too all of its jazz recording skills and applied them to a blues album. Does anyone know if Columbia recorded any other blues like this?
Well recorded yes. Sounds nice.

However IMO it is a gross caricature of his greatest work from the Chess period. In the end, I think it is a redundant cash-in for ole' Mr. Dixon. He stopped growing as an artist with the rest of his generation in the mid 60's when the blues died in the comfort of the mainstream. Being worshiped by all those white boys killed the creative spirit in that generation.

R.I.P. the blues. 1924-1965
Well, at least he's the real fellow and not a third-generation pretender coming out of a music conservatory or something.

Chas - you are ornery today!