Mahavishnu Orchestra fans...?

Which album/s would you recommend for the heavier/fusion type stuff? Thanks. I own one live recording and would like studio recordings.
Got to agree with Siliab. Also try The Lost Trident Sessions to hear studio versions of some of the tunes on the live album Between Nothingness and Eternity.

The original band consisted of John Mclaughlin, Jan Hammer (keyboards), Jerry Goodman (violin), Billy Cobham (drums) and Rick Laird (bass).

I think that Jan Hammer was a major contributor to the original Mahavishnu sound. You might check out Spectrum (with Billy Cobham and Jan Hammer) and Like Children (Jan Hammer and Jerry Goodman) for some other examples of his work. Later he went commercial doing music for Miami Vice.

Tensions between McLaughlin and Hammer broke up the original band after The Lost Trident Sessions, and subsequent Mahavishnu albums lack the raw passion of the earlier ones.

John McLaughlin has had an eclectic career and has changed styles many times. Try Johnny McLaughlin Electric Guitarist as well.

I also love Alan Holdsworth, and you might check out some of his work (Velvet Darkness) for more mind bending fusion guitar.
When I was a teenager "Visions of the emerald beyond" was one of my favorite records for acid trips. Now when I hear it I get a metallic taste in my mouth.

I am not a fusion fan, but I have a soft spot for McLaughlin's Shakti album "Handful of beauty". Sweet.
I agree with Inner Mounting Flame and Birds of Fire. I got both of these as soon as they came out on CD and the recording quality was not the best. Does anyone know if there are higher quality versions of these out on CD?
Inner Mounting Flame and Birds of Fire woke a lot of us up back then, and I ended up in music school in a fusion band in part as a result. It was great while it lasted...

So I second everybody else's view, and also agree with Ghostrider45 that you ought to check out Allan Holdsworth. I particulalry like his live CD All Night Wrong, which closely mirrors (in better sound) the live show I heard of his a couple of months ago in Houston. He can be truly breathtaking. Makes me glad I got out of the business...