Mahavishnu Orchestra fans...?

Which album/s would you recommend for the heavier/fusion type stuff? Thanks. I own one live recording and would like studio recordings.
Been at the bay for some years now...saved a bunch. Pawn shops have bee. Good for my collection as well.
Purchased Cab that's what I'm talking about. Just my liking. Thanks a bunch.
Another solid Fusion website is Checked 'em out yesterday and saw the new Live Return To Forever for sale as well as the new Corea/McLaughlin Live! Sometimes AbstractLogix AND AI offer exclusive releases, for instance, for some crazy reason Billy Cobham's latest release is available ONLY at AI for $30+ bucks! I'm a big fan but in this day and age to charge that much for a CD is simply arrogant!
I just checked those sites...nice. Side note: agree that $30 plus shpng for a cd is verging on unlawful. Perhaps a private seller that has oop/very htf items that private buyers are willing to spend for, I can understand. I just stopped by my trusty thrift store and raked up 4 Coltrain cd's that are minty. Added two more titles (Annie Lennox and a Bela Fleck) to the stack so as to meet the 3 for $5 price...thank you very much.