the SHM CD Experience

I'm up to 22 titles so far. Anyone else diving into these yet?.
SHM-CD = same mass market remaster, 16bit/44,1kHz CD, clearer plastic used zzZZZzz

Blu-spec CD = same mass market remaster, 16/44,kHz CD, manufacturing process done with blu-laser (yawns..)

I wonder how long they will have the nerve to sell the same redbook CDs over and over again
not for long. runs are limited to 2 to 3k, and most are sold out upon release.
>>I wonder how long they will have the nerve to sell the same redbook CDs over and over again<<

Probably as long as dumb posts like yours are permitted.
i own about 10 of the shm cds and have been extremely happy with all of them.they are,to this point, better then previous copies of the same discs by other production runs.the 'boston' disc i recently purchased is superb..much better then the sacd of the same disc.the rubinstein 'chopin concerto' and the rubinstein 'tchaikovsky-rachmaninoff concertos' are both superb.the chopin is the equal to the sacd of the same performance i have by the same pianist. are they pricey..?...relatively yes, but to alot of us ...worth it.regardless of what some pedantic members of this and other forums think, some cds are, on a system that can do them justice,superbly musically enjoyable and better then sacds on cheap systems that do not allow the full sonic capability of the discs to emerge.