Who's your guitar daddy now?

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In a weird way, Clapton is a bit like Elvis in that regard. He became the original "face" of the electric guitar (along with Jimi) in a similar way that Elvis became the original "face" of rock n roll. I'd personally argue that Chuck Berry is the more significant artist, but - for me -that doesn't necessarily diminish Elvis. I do understand why some would call him "overrated", but you can still appreciate what he accomplished.

I also understand Odd's point (I believe) as to Clapton's limitations in both technique and innovation. Your point about lesser known players is also taken. Should Richard Thompson be more highly regarded than Clapton? In my world, there's no doubt. But, I'd still resist trashing Clapton ("Most overrated on the Planet") and those who prefer his playing.

I was just trying to argue that the appreciation of guitar may extend beyond technique and innnovation. In this respect, Odd's statement about "most overrated" struck me as more than a bit much. Clapton plays with beauty and heart and he usually "gets" his material spot on. Lots of players can (and do) mimic Clapton with some precision, but few manage the same result. He just does more with less and - IMHO - shouldn't be dumped on for it.


BTW, by Odd's standard Neil Young might have that "Most Overrated" title sewn up! I happen to enjoy Young's playing, too.
There is a "difference" between overrated and "not talented" guys. I may personally think that John Mayer is overrated as a guitarist but I'm not necessarily saying he sucks. You can be as good as Vai and Satriani and still be overrated.
Fripp? Fripp? Fripp? Fripp? Fripp?

spoken like Ben Stein spoke 'Bueller'

BTW whoever mentioned Ben Harper - Fight for Your Mind thanks! I just got it in the mail and am listening for the first time, quite tasty!
The phrase I take issue with is "most overrated on the planet". Even if not meant to be taken literally, this is a fair bit harsher than simply "overrated". BTW, I know many folks who agree with Odd's harsher assessment of Clapton - just not me.

Not to replace anyone but to add to the list of great talents...
(Another vote for Roy Buchanan and SRV and Jimi too.) Also, please consider Rory Gallagher, Leslie West, & Peter Green.