Jennifer Warnes 20th Ann Famous Blue Raincoat RI

has anyone heard this? I ordered it yesterday - it has 4 previously unreleased track. Also, below is an interview with Jennifer (thanks to the Poster on VA) that's interesting, and gives insight into Jennifer's interest in production and recording quality.

Jennifer Warnes Interview

I love everything about Jennifer Warnes' music. Already having one, I purchased the re-issue of FBR just for the added songs. I pulled out "The Well" this afternoon and while doing my UltraBit routine I noticed the CD had a few minor scratches. Not realizing that its becaome a cult classic, I went on Amazon to buy a new one. I learned that new one's are no longer available, and the used ones are way up there in price.
I also like Jennifer Warnes music very much. Although there are some fabulous songs on FBR it's my least favorite of her releases. I think "The Hunter" and "The Well" are much better albums.
My favorite is a Greatest Hits CD compiled by the German label Zounds. The selection is very good and the CD sounds excellent. There was another Greatest Hits CD that was awful.
There seems to be a vein of melancholy running through all of her albums even without the downer quality of Leonard Cohens lyrics.
BTW: For JW fans, a gold version of The Hunter is scheduled for release by Cisco soon.
Raks, I was not aware of the situation you mention concerning "The Well". I'll be more careful with my copy.
Heads up for JW fans, Blu-spec version of "The Hunter" is scheduled for release in Japan on 6/10/09.
It seems Leonard Cohen is too depressing for the average audiophile.I find that uplifting in a strange way.
Well, if your system's too bright he can give it some darkness, that's for sure.