Some irrefutable truths about rock and roll

1) Robert Johnson invented rock and roll, and is the rightful King of it. Elvis Presley's title should be amended to "Poster Boy of Early Rock and Roll."

2) Jeff Buckley's version of Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah" is infinitely better than the Rufus Wainwright version and is the definitive version of the song.

3) The Rolling Stones were and are the most overrated band in the history of rock and roll.

4) If it's too loud you are, indeed, too old.

5) The Stone Roses' self-titled debut is the best debut album ever in the history of ever.

6) John Mayer needs to stop that right now.

7) A good song is a good song, whether it's played on an Audiovox tape deck and a single factory speaker in a 1976 Buick Skylark or a complete Linn Klimax system.

8) A couple of Les Pauls, a Fender Precision bass, and a decent set of drums sound every bit as good as the most disciplined orchestra.

9) There is absolutely nothing wrong with having the occasional urge to crank "Hungry Like the Wolf" from time to time, so long as it doesn't become a habit.

Did I forget anything?

*yes, I realize everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion, and this is meant to be tongue-in-cheek.

I fully understand those who aren't moved by post-Brian Wilson pop/rock and prefer to stay closer to the blues. I also understand why some people lean the other way. As I noted, I can't really spend much time listening to The Beatles, (even tho I do study the song craft), so I definitely get where you're coming from.

My Buckingham fixation is definitely a personal quirk, but it works for me.

As to sharing my songs, that's a bit of a minefield. I perform once a year for friends at my wifes birthday party. Since I'm in LA , that party has, on occasion, included a few record company types and I've had an overture about putting one song on iTunes. That represents a level of personal exposure that I'm not quite ready for. So far, I've resisted - but I'll keep you posted if that changes.
Audiofiel one of the best there is in this miasma....been here almost since the beginning under different names.listen to him and learn!
Ya Bill is a great guy, and like this thread, he keeps coming back on Audiogon from the dead.
There are many who say ABBA was just as great as the Beatles.

They kind of both did the same thing, maybe the beatles on a larger stage. I think the beatles sold more records than ABBA did but, to me, both very similar. Mass produced commercial music assembled for the masses. I prefer to hit 'next' when their music comes up, unless it can possibly be something that hasn't been played in a while.