Anyone have trouble with Dvorak Stabat on Telarc?

I have now two copies of the Dvorak "Stabat Mater" on Telarc with Robert Shaw and the usual gang. Both copies have heavy distortion at the climaxes. Has anyone out there heard this cd and heard it undistorted?
Do you have a track and a time where it distorts ? It is very time consuming to spend an hour listening to a CD trying to guess where the distorted part is.

104 db SPL at the listening position is actually quite high for the majority of speakers to be able to play without significant distortion. Soundstage (who make measurements in Canada's National Research Labs anechoic chamber) refuse to even test speakers above 100 db SPL, they claim most speakers will suffer damage at this level!
The distortion occurs first at the very first big climax at about 3or 4 minutes into the first section. Ditto the next big blowout a couple of minutes later. If you get through the first movement without distortion, you have a better copy than mine.

My speakers are quite comfortable at 104db. This is a peak averaged reading, of course, and covers all frequencies from roughly 50hz-10khz. I have Shahinian Hawks and one of the many amazing things about them is how loud they can play without distortion or change in character.
Your power amps could be clipping. Have you tried listening close up with the volume set low, or through headphones at low volume? That would help you eliminate the power amps and speakers. Less likely but possible are that your CD player is overloading the preamp on peaks. What else is in your system?
That's what I was going to suggest...listening to the same passage at a low volume to rule out amp distortion.
Thank you all for your suggestions.


I really need to hear from people who have actually heard this cd (Telarc 2CD-80506-- Dvorak: Stabat Mater). I do not have this problem with other Telarcs of equal quality and dynamics. It is the fact that I acquired a second copy and found that it, too, displays the same flaws at the same places that made me think of a defective cd in the first place.
I have listened at low levels and the distortion is still present.
I am using an Audible Illusions Modulus 3a. I am feeding it with a Jolida 1000a player which has a low-normal output and is extremely unlikely to be overloading that preamp. I am driving Shahinian Hawks with a Plinius SA100III.
It is THIS cd, in two different pressings, about which I am curious.

I appreciate all comments, nevertheless.