Your Top 5 Favorite Power Ballads

The are the first 5 I thought of.

Dream On- Aerosmith
Love Hurts- Nazareth
The Flame- Cheap Trick
Wind Of Change- Scorpions
Nobody Knows Billy Squire
Stairway to Heaven- Led Zeppelin (Far and away the best)
Us and Them- Pink Floyd
November Rain- Gun's and Roses
Sarah- Fleetwood Mac
Rain ore me- The Who
come on, no one has the guts to state the much beloved/hated obvious:

1) Stairway to Heaven

2) Don't Stop Believe-in

3) Faithfully - Journey

4) Never Tear Us Apart - INXS

5) Wanted, Dead or Alive - Bon Jovi (yes, I said it!)
Although not as well known as the 80's glam rock bands, one of my favorites is

Moon by dada

Killer ballad that builds to a tremendous guitar crescendo..
