Your Favorite Traditional Ballad

I could only find a thread with "Power Ballads". I find myself drawn to more traditional ballads lately. Here are a few of my favorites:

1952 Vincent Black Lightening, Richard Thompson
The Ballad of the Runaway Horse, Emmylou Harris
Pretty much any of the traditionals as sung by Kate Rusby
Ballad of Copper Junction (a Journeyman's Lament), Jeffrey Foucault
Folklore (the entire album is favorite would have to be "The Outlaw Song"), 16 Horsepower

I respect how, with such an economy of words, a songwriter can engrave such deep and powerful stories that resonate and linger.

What are some of your favorites in traditional ballads?
Man, there are so many and to me, the diff between a good ballad and a great one is the emotional connection. So by that criterion, the list is highly personal. A few of my favorites:

Nancy Griffith's cover of Townes van Zant's Tecumseh Valley

EmmyLou Harris- Most anything from Angel Band if you are counting gospel. Otherwise (and more contemporary), Broken Man's Lament or Kern River.

Richard and Linda Thompson- Bee's Wing

Jackson Browne- After the Deluge (not a traditional ballad but a ballad nonetheless, IMO).

Patty Loveless- You'll Never Leave Harlan Alive

Dimming of the Day- lots of covers; maybe Bonnie Raitt or Richard Thompson.

Eddie From Ohio- Minnesota 1945

Vince Gill- Pretty Little Adriana

Michelle Shocked- Anchorage
Man, there are so many and to me, the diff between a good ballad and a great one is the emotional connection.

You hit on something there. Although when I look back on my list, though I am emotionally stirred by those songs, I do not necessarily have a strong direct connection to the stories being told. Yet they all do speak volumes to me and move me deeply. I have no connection to horses or cowgirls, or outlaws, or journeymen. Perhaps to riding motorcycles, but that's the only connection I find in my list. Perhaps I'm misunderstanding you. Do you mean the emotional connection of the singer to the story? Certainly a story told with great passion and empathy is bound to connect more effectively. Regardless, I am definitely deeply moved by this music, and these stories told so often with such a great economy of words, yet speaking so much.

I don't know that just any old song that tells a story could be considered a ballad. I suppose technically it could. I don't know what it is that separates the cream from the milk, but I sure don't think that any song that tells a story is a great ballad. I guess my own take on them is that they tell the story of specific individuals, in a specific time and place. Though they may remain nameless, their stories are the source of the emotion and connection.

Great suggestions here thus far...thanks. I will check some of these out, while familiar with many as well.

A few more come to mind from frequent listening, that are perhaps more modern than traditional:

The Last of the Hobo Kings, Mary Gauthier
Making Pies, Patty Griffin
Johnny Cash...Emmylou for sure! Richard and Linda Thompson - oh yes!

Keep'em coming.
Well, let's not take the wickopedia definition of a ballad, or we are all far afield and likely sunk with the titles we've printed above.

Otherwise we'd have to list Robin Hood, instead of robin & Linda Williams... and any number of poetic works rooted in literature only.

The conotative theme we all followed so far is right... a story. In our case, set to music.

I think about all of Mountain Soul could qualify. That's such a good CD.

Nancy Griffith's Trouble in the Fields, gets my vote.

Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald deserves a note.

harry Nilson's 'Taxi' (?) ...she gave me $20, and said, Harry, Keep the change..

paul Simon sure found a way to hit the pop vein with is ballads, hearts & Bones, Adios hermanos, etc.

if you haven't investigated the S.W. or other texan artists you should. RL Keen Jr, Billy Joe Shaver, Guy clark, Joe Ely, Delbert McClinton, etc.

Shaver's Randal Knife is just outstanding.

Two of the longest ones I can recall are Arlo's "Alice's Resturant", at one time a whole lot of folks had that one memorized completely.

Marty Robbins "El Paso" elevated his fame a lot... though on that album, 'utah Carrol' is the better story, er, ballad. That disc, like patti Loveless' is littered with them though.

No doubt. Wherever the connection is felt is the ticket. Be it likewise or similar experiences, the thrust of the music, simply the lyrics, the artists stylings, or the evocative nature of the song, it is what ever grabs ya.

Well... so much for traditional in the traditional sense... as there are no votes for Robin Hood yet, perhaps then "your favorite ballads".

I'm sure curious to hear from other's and check out those new to me tunes, post haste.

Great thread! Thanks much.
'Traditional' ballads - i.e. ballads out of history or ballads which meet some contemporary definition?

If the former, and if you can admit to liking a bit of 'country' music once in a while (I love 'folk' music which has its origins in the British Isles) Eddy Arnold singing Barbara Allen and Wayfarin Stranger is a must hear. They came out in the 50's and I think they were remastered onto a CD 'Wanderin' a few years ago. Eddy Arnold was one of our great county singers and these ballads are IMHO representative of why. These are, I believe, 18th century songs.