How large is your music collection?

At one time I had about 5000 CDs and I sold them due to the fact that I had no room for them and most of them I didn't listen to at all. In the last few years I add a title to my collection only if it is really good and worthy of multiple listens and the enjoyment value is high. My current collection is less than 1000 for both CD and vinyl.

I've got a friend that has so many CDs, SACDs, LPS, etc. that even if he listened for 8 hours a day he would never repeat the same selection in more than 10 years. To me that just doesn't make sense but it makes him happy so I guess that is what counts.

How about everyone here? Do you add just to add or do you keep your collection, like me, to just the best of the best.
I own about 1000 CD's and it has taken me more than 20 years to collect that number. I have to really like the artist/album before I will buy it. So, the collection I have is music that I continue to listen to fairly consistently. There's no worse feeling than buying a CD on impulse and then listening to it once or twice and then storing it away forever.

But, times are changing. Today with subscriptions to a few online music services, such as Pandora and Rhapsody, I have access to an almost infinite amount of music. These services have definitely changed the way I listen to music and, as as result, my music buying habits.
Zero music server, or IPod. I HAD stuff on a hard drive, but the hassle and the fact if the drive 'dies' I was screwed.. (Yeah the ways to 'protect' files.. what a hassle..)
Approx 6,000 LPs 1,400 Jazz, 1,400 Rock, 2,200 Classical.
Approx 2,000 CDs 700 Jazz, 400 Rock, 100 Classical.
The collection is a limited size, (space) so if I add something, I have to get rid of something else. (though I am adding a rack for more Rock CDs... I want the best Cd or two from as many groups as I can. (vs all the stuff from my fav groups)
Right now I am in a big push to enhance my Rock collection, after working for a few years on the Jazz.
I view the collection as a resource. So having more than I can listen to does not matter.
For instance, I just 'rediscovered' AC/DC "Back in Black" last night. Bought it for $1.60 yesterday. I was happy listening to it twice at 1 AM (on headphones).
thedautch...which way are you implying takes longer. It sounds like you're saying it takes MORE time to import a cd when you only choose a handful of tracks? If so did you know that you can do this: while holding down the option key with a cd inserted you can then DESELECT all the songs by clicking any one of the "checks". This removes all the checked songs. Now you can let go of the command key. Now just click the few songs you want one by one.
The way to determine if it large enough is to calculate 'time to death', which is assumed to be when you are 76 years old. So, if you started now to listen to each item in your collection would you die before completing the task? Yes, the older you get means you should be selling off, given away, all that cannot be listened to. Since I am only five years old, and have ten cds, I can gladly accept your 'un-listenable' items. So, please contact me for my shipping address.