The National...losless downloads?

Anyone know where one may buy lossless format downloads of "The National" albums?

I recently got a copy of "Boxer" and cannot stop listening! One of the best new records I have heard in ages.
The Afghan Whigs are incredible. On a side note, Shake It! Records in Cincy is doing a 7" tribute series to Eddie Hinton, and Gregg Duli (afghan whigs singer) did vol 2. You need these two songs. Haha.

The record is called Dagerous Highway vol2.
i will put it on my list for sure. i think i have every record he has ever been on. thanks for the tip!
"audio used to be easy...". Haha, I'm an analog guy myself, I want to the server just for when my less responsible friends come over but the boss says I gotta buy her a house first.

How's Columbus? I've only been there in college, and it involved high street and a mid-night visit to the blue danube. I had a rueben dog and the worst hangover. Fun city.