McLaughlin/Corea - "Five Peace Band Live"

I want to mention John McLaughlin and Chick Corea's "Five Peace Band Live" CD with Christian McBride, Kenny Garrett, and Vinnie Colaiuta. The performance and recording quality on this CD are exemplary.

We're often looking for good live recordings, and while the instruments are amplified in this band, the energy and interplay between these exceptional musicians rises above a studio recording, and sounds just as clean.

If you're a fan of Corea and McLaughlin, this is a recording to check out.
Grinning back Grant... I had high hopes for this one but that big Yellowjackets/Elektric Band streak sorta nailed the gag reflex. Sixteen Men of Tain is a good one. Also not too bad, (or at least not too stale) recent rotations:
Plotz Live 2008
Kif Express (Fiuczynski)
Les Projectionnistes / Copie Zero
Pierre Labbe / Risque et Pendule
Machacek - Sipe - Garrison / Improvision
Cosmologic / Eyes In The Back Of My Head
I also caught the band last yr with Blades. I thought it extemely interesting to hear the same tunes played by the same band except for the drummer. All I can say is; same tunes, different music! While I wouldn't be as harsh as Grant, I also felt the recording didn't live up to the promise of the band. I wouldn't bother to compare this to the Fusion classix of yesteryear, creating a classic wasn't their intent. But Igottatellya, at the concert I picked up the 5PB CD and also the live Return To Forever reunion CD, now THAT'S a smokin', killin' Fusion record. Surprising to hear how the "boys" still have that Inner Mounting Flame burnin' white-hot!!;)
"as harsh as Grant"

Meant to say Duane, sorry, I'm getting my Fusionistas mixed up!;)
Now that I think of it I really didn't like the
CD at first. I was going to sell the tickets but
the guy backed out. After I saw the show I liked
the CD alot better.

BTW The CD won the Grammy for Best Instrumental
Jazz Album.