Name your lame duck artist........

What artist do you put above all others in terms of lack of talent but somehow has achieved success?

For me Madonna has to be the queen of mediocrity (mediocre being a compliment in this case) - can't sing or act and what's with the fake english accent after living there a whole two years.
And don't get me going with all these new female jazz "singers" with that vomit inducing vibratoless whisper that seems to have become mandatory in that genre today......Jones clones.
Tina Turner does nothing for me and I consider lame but I do not know quite were to put her on the "Loomis scale" of lame. I walked out of a live performance by her out of boredom.

Perhaps 3?
"artists who don't have much musical ability but aren't especially annoying ass clowns and have some visceral nice-guy appeal to their misguided, though harmless fans (jimmy buffet, phil collins)"
Thomas- my dog can get into the British Isles without the 6 month wait.
Actually, according to immigration the US does not consider N.I to be part of the British Isles.

It is called alcohol and swimming. He joined the Dennis Wilson Swim Club that night.
In the words of Beavis to Buthead "Change it or kill me."

This is how I feel when a Billy Joel song comes on the radio. If I'm not in a position to change the channel I have to run around with my fingers in my ears singing loudly so I can't hear the awful sounds coming from BJ's mouth. If I were in the CIA, I would force the suspected terrorists to listen to this music. They would be spilling there guts like a National Enquirer reporter with indisputable proof that Tom Cruise is gay. But alas, we can't run afoul of the Geneva convention.

Also, one day I had the unpleasant experience of being exposed to one of the greatest lame duck artists of all time. I was enjoying a warm and sunny summer day on my boat docked on a pier located on one of the Great Lakes. My blissful day was blatantly interrupted when some moron docked his boat in the slip next to mine with Jimmy Buffet music blaring from his speakers. The knuckle dragging troglodite stomped away from his boat but had the audacity to leave his music playing. This put quite a damper on the day with this offenisve music honking from his crappy sound system and there was little I could legally do to stop the noise. I only managed to endure this torture by imagining myself pulling out an RPG launcher from the hold and firing a grenade for a dead on strike on the center of his boat. The huge fireball that was once his cockpit would send his vessell to the bottom like the HMS Hood. My fantasy continued with the Jimmy Buffet loving idiot returning to his slip only to find a mushroom cloud and a cauldron of bubbles where his boat once was. Good thing I don't own an RPG or that guy would have been minus one boat and a Jimmy Buffet casette tape.