Any Good Howlin Wolf CDs

I am looking for some good Howlin Wolf CDs. The best I have is Chess Blues Classics 1957 to 1967. Are there any good ones out there?
Try "Howlin Wolf" His Best. Chess 50th Anniversary Collection. Also if you haven't already get the DVD "Cadillac Records" which is the story of Chess in Chicago.
I just watched Cadillac Records. It is why I am looking for more Howlin Wolf Cds.
probably out of print, but if you can find:

Memphis Days - The Definitive Edition I + II (Bear Family)

Howling Wolf Rides Again (Flair)

you'll have all the early (IMHO best) stuff. otherwise 'Cadillac Daddy' (rounder) has some of the same material, as does the chess 3 vol. box set
The Howlin Wolf 3 cd Chess Box is still in print and is excellent. There is also a 2fer available, Howlin Wolf/Moanin in the Moonlight in print. The last time I looked CD Universe had both titles. Good luck.