New Tom Petty

Well, what do you think? Bought it last night, have'nt gotten to it yet,but from what I've read about it, sounds very interesting....
A friend of mine is the senior artist relations/promo guy at Reprise. He's been raving about the SQ of the Mojo DVD and he brought me a copy at yesterday's 4th of July celebration. (He also said that Petty is closing on N. Young as the most SQ obsessed artist on their roster.) I'll spin it up and report back.

Happy 4th, well 5th, all.

Great SQ on LP. More slick LA-session work and continuous improvement from the top journeyman in R&R. If Petty could just free himself from posing as a slick hipster posing as a country boy, he might write something original. I suppose it's cool that he gives the provenance of every vintage instrument played on every track, but blues it ain't.