New Tom Petty

Well, what do you think? Bought it last night, have'nt gotten to it yet,but from what I've read about it, sounds very interesting....
Far above "average" in my book, especially for rock n roll. As Shodome notes, it was recorded live in the studio - so it's no surprise that it's not flashy. But, this sounds much more convincing to me than the "average" r'n'r recording. OTOH, I'd have to admit that this is setting the bar pretty low - at least as far as I'm concerned. Not demo SQ for sure, but very nice of its type, nonetheless.

Rock is by nature unrefined as it should be. But I wonder since we are listening to different versions of the recording which is the best sounding? I have yet to receive the Bluray version so am unable to comment on it's quality.
track 1: could have come off of Blonde on Blonde
track 2: owes royalties to the Allman Bros Band
track 7: Led Zeppelin rip off or tribute?
A lackluster album that has little originality.
Save your money.

I think that was the point. It's kind of a stylistic survey of the late '60s. I like it quite a bit, but I understand your take on it, too.


Rwwear - Upon closer examination, it turns out that I was actually given a copy of the blu-ray, not the dvd. I haven't had a chance to cue it up yet, but hope to do so soon. I'll comment when that happens.