Music Servers vs. High-End CD & DAC--Help Please

Hello Audiogon Experts--I cannot begin to thank you enough for all I've learned from you the past 4 years:-)

I have B&W 800's / Denon 5308CI (a) / HT System / Great Cables / Blu Ray / Furman Conditioner / Sony CDP-1 SACD Player / Weiss DAC.

I like CD music in 2 channel, but dislike having to change discs all the time.

Is a higher-end music server like a McIntosh MS300 or equivalent with all my CDs recorded on it, run through my DAC, or even my Denon 5308CI (a) going to give me as good or better sound that using my stand-alone SACD?

Thanks in advance!:-)
The sky is the actual limit with HDD based music.

I doubt specifically if the server needs be McIntosh though to acquire a step up in performance.

But then perhaps you’re looking for a ‘turn key’ outfit…. And not a DIY affair.

Variety is it’s Avitar, and quality now, is easily had, when it comes to music by the file instead of songs done track by track from a stand alone player.

There’s tons of info on this topic all over A-gon and at the Computer Audiophile.

Recording quality is always going to be an issue. If it’s poor on the CD, it’s not going to get much better if at all once on the server. Regardless the maker of the server.

Quality however can and is available sufficient enough to surpass many disc players upwards of 5-8K… or become on par with them.

Each segment and interface will matter too. The DAC. The soft player, The interface from server to DAC.

Quality high res files done well, IMHO rival and at times surpass some SACD.

So as said, “Do you like playing one album at a time”….. OR “would you prefer to play whatever… when ever?”

Then all you need following an answer to that question is to find which system you like.
You already have a great DAC, just hook it up to a computer with firewire and try it. You will be amazed is my guess, especially if you have a HT pass through or can go direct to amp. There is a bit of a learning curve, but well worth the effort.