Cowboy Junkies: Trinity Sessions on Vinyl

Has anyone heard the Classic reissue of this one. Was TS ever put out on standard vinyl, never came across a copy in a used record shop.... If anyone has heard the Classic reissue or for that matter any vinyl pressing, how is it.
I just grabbed the Classic 45 rpm off Amazon for $109.
Thanks again, it should be here in 4-14 days. This comes in second for the most I have ever spent on vinyl. What was my previous, for those curious. A Japanese PF: The Wall for $200.00, followed by a Muddy Waters: Folk Singer MFSL which was $100.00.
Don't forget their first album "Whites off earth now". If anything, I enjoy this album even more than Trinity Sessions. A great reinterpretation of many blues standards.
I received my 45 rpm TS, and listened to it last night.
Just a great performance, but the sound of this Classic 45 rpm is really special. I am right with Has2be and Jtinn on this one. If you really like this performance, try and get your hands on this one. As a special bonus, along with the great sound, burn 400% more calories.
OK people, I know I'm being anal but it's "Session" - singular not plural. Pet peeve rant over.
Fjn04, good luck with your amazon order. Ordering vinyl from amazon is not recommended as they do not - and have never - packaged LPs with any care.