Can you recommend some classical CD's for me?

I don't have any classical CD's in my collection.
There is so much product out there, I don't know where to start.
I would like preferrably SACD but not totally necessary if the redbook CD is well recorded.
I don't want any vocals.
I am not a big fan of large classical orchestras.
I like classical guitar, I enjoy the cello.
I guess more stringed instrument related, instrumental classical music.
Thanks Glen
It all starts with Mozart. I have the entire Telarc collection with Charles Mackerras conducted Mozart symphonies performed by the Prague Chamber Orchestra. Great sound of outstanding performances. I can't imagine not enjoying any of these symphonies. Music simply flowed from Mozart. Once you've come to love Mozart, moving on to Haydn and Beethoven will get you permanently hooked. It's music that remains fresh and vital no matter how often you listen to it. It defines civilization.
Hifiman has an excellent idea. That is a great way to lessen any confusion. Start with the most recognizable names of the classical masters. Listen to one until you are familiar. Only then move to a next, etc. Whichever way you decide, it's sure to be very enjoyable!
Good advice from Hifiman5 and Isochronism about focusing on one composer or performer for awhile but I think it's important to do some survey work first. If I had started with Mozart or Haydn I wouldn't be listening to any classical music today.

What moves you is going to be very personal and specific. The starting point for me was Bach but that's neither a criticism of anyone else's taste nor an endorsement of my own.

If you have a way to stream your Internet connection with any reasonable fidelity to your system, Pandora is a great way to explore and learn what you would enjoy. Set up 'stations' for the best known classical composers and give a thumbs up to the pieces you like as you hear them so that you hear more music that is similar.
One of the reasons I chose Mozart, Haydn, Beethoven as a place to start is their symphonies follow the classical period pattern of exposition, development, recapitulation that provides a sense of "order" and comfort. The psychological effect can be quite powerful. I know on stressful days I'll come home and reach for classical compositions for the reassurance their structure provides.

I respect your preference for Bach. For me, Bach is "math put to music". Classical period works with their structure but freedom from the "mathematical precision" of Baroque pieces, especially Bach, makes them more harmonious and enjoyable. Rest assured, there are many who prefer the precision of Baroque works, and I respect their preference. It's the diversity of period and style that makes symphonic music so compelling. I wish you nothing but joy in listening to Bach and other Baroque works if they bring you aural pleasure and satisfaction.