Best CD I've heard so far 2011.........

Sarah Jarosz/Song Up In Her Head
Like a breath of fresh air, just great!
I'll definitely buy the new Sarah Jarosz CD in May. Never heard of her until I saw her on Austin City Limits.
Jax2-I'll check out some of your suggestions.
Theo-Always liked Bryan Ferry.
PS: New Allison Kraus CD in a week or so.
Rja, if you haven't bought this yet it really takes me back to Avalon. Enjoy.
My recent favorite in the folk gals genre is Po' Girl. "Follow you Bliss" may be 2011. It's good, though I prefer the older "Vagabond Lullabies," and "Home to You."

The Wailin' Jenny's have had serious lineup changes, no? Has any of their later stuff topped the sublime "40 days"?

Stereophile says Lucida's "Blessed" is her best since "Essence." I think she's a genius, but IMO, the stuff since "Essence" has been very uneven, and mostly forgettable (with exceptions like the title track of "World Without Tears"). Is "Blessed" really a return to form?

I have a bunch to list but for now I'll throw out The Unthanks "Last", keeping in line with the twangy folk girls listed above, this one with Celtic roots. Jax you'll dig that one!