Best CD I've heard so far 2011.........

Sarah Jarosz/Song Up In Her Head
Like a breath of fresh air, just great!
Hey Jax. Sounds like you've Gillian before. Be prepared for a slow show, and try to get seats. When I saw her and DR, they did "Tennesse Stud" at roughly the pace of a Grateful Dead dirge. Charming stuff, but not Dancin' Music.

I'll seek out Nimrod; expect you've heard Elizabeth LaPrelle: more solo voice from the Southern Mountains, and pretty cool.


Have fun at the show old man. Thought you gave up live music? I agree 100% with your take on her new album. I do enjoy it and grateful she is making music...not her best though. Unfortunately, she is not coming around the Ohio way so we'd have to travel to make her tour. We did talk about it.
New Dale Earnhart Jr. Jr. Amazing witty music and band name. Genius out of Detroit.
Hey Jax. Sounds like you've Gillian before. Be prepared for a slow show, and try to get seats. When I saw her and DR, they did "Tennesse Stud" at roughly the pace of a Grateful Dead dirge. Charming stuff, but not Dancin' Music.

Nothing, I repeat, nothing on any of her albums prepares you for what they are like live. I so disagree with you on this, John. I saw her and David play the Moore years ago just after they released Revelator. I was braced for a bit of boredom then but was riveted the entire show and was amazed how two artists with guitars and no backkup could hold an entire audience so spellbound for an entire show. The show last night was sold out and had people standing on their feet and calling them back to a standing ovation twice after playing two sets already. Rawlings is a gifted guitar player and it's just amazing the sounds he coaxes from that old Epiphone. His musical improvisation is mindboggling. He is one with that guitar and speaks with it as naturally as trees sway in the wind or the the waves break against the shore. Gillian's voice is powerful and yet somehow soothing at the same time. They complement each other so well, and exude an uplifting and powerful energy in spite of the dark content of many of their songs. I'm very glad they mixed it up, playing only about 1/4 of the show from the new CD. I think an entire show from the new CD would indeed be too slow. Just like the first show, Rawlings had the audience mesmerized at his playing - one of the highlights was Time the Revelator, where his solo rif prompted a standing ovation in the middle of the song and a thunderous standing ovation from the entire audience at its conclusion. Another was the closing song, on their second encore, a uniquely inspired cover of Jefferson Airplane's, White Rabbit. Outstanding show - best I've been to in a long while and I distinctly remember feeling the same way the first time I saw them. They are heading up to the Vancouver Folk Festival next where there part of a great lineup there (though I'm not fond of outdoor venues and crowds). Richard, I'll never give up live music entirely. I've just become far more selective about who I see and especially of the venue. The Moore is an excellent musical venue, and having seen them there before I knew it would suit them very well. Just an outstanding show! If you get a chance to see them live, and you like their music, don't miss it.
Brian Eno's Drums Between the Bells. If you can meet him half way on the spoken poetry accompaniment-- well composed and electronically enhanced, btw-- Eno has brought his full palette to the music. Well worthwhile.