Worst record ever?

I had the misfortune of spotting Sarah Vaughan's "Songs of the Beatles" at my local record store and, intrigued, I bought it since it was only $2. I'm still traumatized a few hours after listening to it; who and why would ever release a record that bad? I love Sarah as a jazz singer but her rendition of the Beatles' songs is absolutely atrocious. I just can't believe someone made a decision to actually release it.
Another set of candidates:

1. The Dread Zeppelin album where a reggae band does Led Zepp. covers fronted by an Elvis impersonator.

2. The Pop-o-Pies album consisting solely of covers of the Dead's Truckin' done in different styles

3. Anything by the Dead Kennedys after "Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables"
Will avoid American Idol performers, bubble gum acts, actors and athletes. Of highly skilled musicians Van Halen 3 has to rank as one of the worst efforts.
Can't forget that album by William Hung.....the asian guy that got made fum of by Simon Cowell for his rendition of "She Bangs". How any company let him in a recording studio is beyond me.