Who was the best jazz guitarist ever?

Since all music is "subjective", I lay no claim to any objective truth to anything I write on this subject.

Johnny Smith was the first to make me aware of the guitar as a jazz instrument. Before him I considered it to be a country and western or blues instrument. "Moonlight in Vermont" is his most famous album, it contains some of the most beautiful versions of standards I've ever heard.

Kenny Burrell who was often featured with Jimmy Smith on organ was the next jazz guitarist I became aware of. While his work with Jimmy Smith was tops, "Midnight Blue" on Blue Note, is my favorite album.

Wes Montgomery came to my attention twice, that's because according to some; he was better and more inclusively "jazz", before he became famous. The "Wes Montgomery Trio" recorded in 1959 is one example of a recording made before he became famous. His "Round Midnight" had a deep soulful intensity that's hard to match; but jazz guitarist's also have bills to pay.

Grant Green is the best jazz guitarist ever, his prodigious output makes that statement. There are some who claim, that out of all of the versions of "Round Midnight", his is the best.

There are many guitarist's I like who may or may not fit the description of "jazz guitarist". I'll leave the strict definition of that to others. Al Di Meola, John McLaughlin, and Paco De Lucia are guitarists I like a lot whatever category they fit in.

Since I prefer the broad definition of "jazz" as opposed to the strict definition, if you think your favorite guitarist fits the description; so do I. Who are your favorite guitarists?
Inna, I agree in regard to "Cielo e Terra" as his best work, but in regard to the classification I'm not so sure. If I like it, it must be jazz. As I mentioned in an earlier post, jazz is quite "amorphous" now.
Pat Metheny's is much more than jazz guitarist but orchestrator and great composer just like FZ.

DiMeola is the master of the most sophisticated riffs on this planet.

I can add to this crowd less known Dutch guitarist Jan Akkerman (Focus fusion band).
If anyone is interested in Paco de Lucia but not well familiar with him, I recommend "Siroco" album. I think it is his best release, and he himself thinks so too. It is in essence solo performance, no flamenco singing, with some jazz influences. He doesn't try to impress with his incredible technique, just uses it as needed.
Don't forget Egberto Gismonte everyone. Also an awesome composer as well as an incredible guitarist and pianist.
I only know Egberto as a composer, never heard him play. I better check it out.