Who was the best jazz guitarist ever?

Since all music is "subjective", I lay no claim to any objective truth to anything I write on this subject.

Johnny Smith was the first to make me aware of the guitar as a jazz instrument. Before him I considered it to be a country and western or blues instrument. "Moonlight in Vermont" is his most famous album, it contains some of the most beautiful versions of standards I've ever heard.

Kenny Burrell who was often featured with Jimmy Smith on organ was the next jazz guitarist I became aware of. While his work with Jimmy Smith was tops, "Midnight Blue" on Blue Note, is my favorite album.

Wes Montgomery came to my attention twice, that's because according to some; he was better and more inclusively "jazz", before he became famous. The "Wes Montgomery Trio" recorded in 1959 is one example of a recording made before he became famous. His "Round Midnight" had a deep soulful intensity that's hard to match; but jazz guitarist's also have bills to pay.

Grant Green is the best jazz guitarist ever, his prodigious output makes that statement. There are some who claim, that out of all of the versions of "Round Midnight", his is the best.

There are many guitarist's I like who may or may not fit the description of "jazz guitarist". I'll leave the strict definition of that to others. Al Di Meola, John McLaughlin, and Paco De Lucia are guitarists I like a lot whatever category they fit in.

Since I prefer the broad definition of "jazz" as opposed to the strict definition, if you think your favorite guitarist fits the description; so do I. Who are your favorite guitarists?
I only know Egberto as a composer, never heard him play. I better check it out.

I was a "Brazilian" in my life before this one. Anything that is of Brazil resonates my "inner soul", and that's where Egberto Gismonti's guitar resonates; his music is Brazil.

I went to a film festival that lasted for weeks. It featured movies made in Brazil about Brazil, they were in Portuguese; even the language was music to my ears. The soundtracks were "deep in the pocket" Brazilian, music not heard here. Egberto's music is reminiscent of that.

"Sol Do Meio Dia" is my favorite, it's a spectacular recording on ECM. Any recommendations will be appreciated.

Orpheus10, Have you tried Charlie Byrd yet? He played a lot of Latin American music. No claim that he was the 'best' but he certainly was good and got a lot down. Check him out via Google and see if anything interests you.

Charlie Byrd first came to my attention when he did "Jazz Samba" with Stan Getz. His "laid back" sound evokes ipanema beach and Rio. No one can forget "Desafinado", it is a classic example of "bossa nova"; which is what Byrd and Getz made famous.

While both Byrd and Gismonti were inspired by Brazil, there is absolutely no similarity in their music. Egberto Gismonti is historic Brazil, his music resonates with an ancient Afro pulse from the hinterland of Brazil. I mention this because some might get the impression they were duplicating Brazilian guitars by buying both. In my opinion, they are a must have for the "guitar aficionado".