Having an ear for Jazz

Anyone else start to like Jazz mid way through life , and start to move away from Rock and other noisy sounding music ?
Always liked it. Watching Ken Burn's Jazz series when it ran on PBS took my appreciation to a higher level.
Ken Burns' Jazz was what turned me on to Jazz.
I was around a LONG time before that was made, but i never liked Jazz. It was 'too busy' in ways i just did not get. So I totally avoided it.
Until i happened to see some of the Ken Burns program, then watched the entire series. Suddenly i understood what the players were doing, and was hooked.
Now, about 40% of my listening is to Jazz, 35% Rock etc, and 25% Classical.
And NO, Jazz has not diminished my interest in Rock.
I never was a 'metal' type anyway, nor The Carpenters.. LOL.
Jazz did incease my appreciation of more complex music. (aside from Classical, where I was at a pretty deep level of appreciation anyway.)
Yes, I have learned to appreciate good jazz. I have also learned to appreciate classical, opera, and even some country, However, my new found appreciation for an even broader range of music has not made me move away from rock. Just the opposite, in fact. I have more understanding about what many classically trained rock musicians were/are trying to accomplish. I guess I can say I have learned to appreciate all kinds of music as I have gotten older.
Very interesting to see Ken Burns 'Jazz' mentioned as a catalyst for Jazz. Among hard-core Jazzistas the documentary over-simplified and incomplete. There was NO mention of Fusion, or Latin Jazz (or the latin connection to the earliest roots of Jazz via New Orleans). I understand (I only saw snippets) there was barely any mention of music created past the 80's. But I think it's fantastic that it brought new fans to the genre. I'm serious!!
I`ve seen those complaints, I don`t buy them. Ken Burns put a lot of effort ,time and research into that series, he has a sincere appreciation for jazz and it shows. With a project of this scale it`s impossible to please every single viewer. Without debate his PBS series introduced jazz music and the great musicians to a large(relatively speaking)new audience. He deserves much credit.