Recordings with BASS

Which recordings or songs are best in testing bass in a loudspeaker?
This depends on what you want to test about the bass. If you are looking for how well your system reproduces the sound of live, acoustic bass-register instruments, then a great thing to use is the opening of Wagner's opera, Das Rheingold.
If you are looking for good bass tone "Pat Metheny / Charlie Haden | Beyond the Missouri Sky"

If your looking for deep bass...."Archetribe / Earthtones"

Amazon has both of these great cd's and I've used them for years as subwoofer setup tools.

"Night fight" from Crouching Tiger hidden Dragon. Wonderful test of dynamic range. The very deepest, tight, high impact bass from a tympany drum vs the hi pitch click of sticks that wiil make you jump and savor it at same time.