Album Of The Year 2011

Ok, 2011 is winding to a close, it's been a wonderful year for music. I have really enjoyed the best of 2011 music thread so I figured why not toss up a year end personal award thread.

It was a tough choice for me but after much deliberation my album of the year 2011 goes to (drum roll)....

Laura Marling "A Creature I Don't Know"

For me, it's timeless music, beautifully written and played with heart and soul. I cannot think of any women aside from Joni Mitchell that moves me the way Lara Marling does. Such an amazing talent. The chick is heaven sent.

Runner up to The Mountain Goats "All Eternals Deck"

And you?
Albert, also was really excited by Black Dub, having listened to a lot of their stuff on the internet (and following decades -- gulp -- of being a huge fan of Chris Whitley and Daniel Lanois, and more recently discovering Blade, they had me at the lineup). Many of the bare, clean recordings that they've put up videos for are nothing short of amazing. (My absolute favorite has got to be this one). But, that album...? What gives? Found it to be way over-produced and festooned with all manner of nonsense. Just wish Lanois used a lighter hand, 'cause with musicianship of that caliber, man, just get out of the way.... Sure would love to get my hands on high rez versions of the stuff on the interwebs, though.

And for the record, Richard, many thank. Always look forward to your music threads. You always bring great stuff to the table, and encourage others to do the same. Made of win. Cheers.
Just an observation:

It seems as if the 'best' recordings, are the ones that are reproduced to greatest effect on your stereo systems. Small groups, females with guitar. All very acoustic. Any truth to this?
Mezmo...Many thanks for the kind words. Sometimes I wonder if my posts are much more than annoying! I really enjoy sharing music with the good folk here so glad it's mutual in some cases. I know my taste can push the boundaries of the typical Agoner's catalog but my hope is that folks here become more aware of how amazing some of the current artists are as well as some of the stuff going on outside the mainstream genres.

Rok2id....Not for me, nope. Kinda more coincidence that LMarling happened to be my choice but even in her case, the record is not a great recording at all. If you look at my input to the Best Of thread you will see that many of my suggestions are pretty far from small, acoustic etc. I will say that I do enjoy music that sound good on my system, yes, and on occasion will select things to play just for that reason. It could be a girl and a guitar but it could easily be bass heavy dub techno:)

Thanks for your answer. I guess I was just sort of put out that I did not recognize one artist listed. Could I be that much out of touch? AND, no one mentioned Wynton or Beethoven. :)
Happy Listening. BTW, the girl with the guitar was great on video, I don't think I would like it as much on audio only.
Rok2id - As far as my pick; Diamond Mine is a pretty raw, and unconventional recording. Not your typical audiophile fare. In general, I do prefer acoustic music and smaller arrangements myself (though my tastes are not limited to that), both with live performances and with music I listen to at home. I don't think the preference has anything to do with what sounds best on my system. The handful of live concerts I've walked out of have all been obnoxiously loud, amplified affairs...I have a very limited tolerance for it. Just a personal preference.