12 Extremely Disappointing Facts About Popular Mus

Rather interesting info here. Says a lot about popular culture.

Ag insider logo xs@2xmuzikat
Once Tchaikovski was asked to compose something popular and simple so the general public with basic piano skills (and certainly with no possibilities to get stereo system) would play and enjoy. So he started releasing sheet music published in the monthly magazine for the length of one year.
Anybody has an idea what's the name of this piece? If not, ask for the answer!
I believe that mentioned public realy knew how to appreciate what it takes to make music.
A lot of chamber music was written so groups of amateurs could play it at home.
50 years ago americans were every bit as ignorant as today,
but in more idividualistic manners,dummies today largely cooky-cutter types.
Just sour grapes from a bunch of old codgers still living like they did 50 years ago except their tube gear and record players now cost 50X as much and still can't deliver on the hip hop.
