"Violinists blast holes in violin experiment"

A follow-up to a recent thread. I felt the interesting nature of this article warranted a fresh thread.

I don't know if the experiment was well designed or not, but it just seems odd to me that owners of very expensive violins and audio gear are so adamantly opposed to being asked to identify it without being able to see what they are listening to.
I daresay that had the tests returned a result in favour of the old 'Strads'......there would be not a voice raised in protest?
The best results in audio come from blind tests. This is especially true for turntables. The pretty ones with the names were always considered so much better than "Rega"; however, in blind tests that changed. Some of those much more expensive than Rega were graded equal, which is why I own a "Rega'.
I particularly liked the title of the article, 'They Blinded Me With Science'(very profound, but- could have been, "Deafened Me"). The bottom line though: As long as YOU are satisfied with the staus quo(your system, listening abilities or whatever), that's all that matters(in YOUR room). I suppose it's human nature to try to convince others that their senses and abilities are all wrong. Especially when yours fail to discern, or identify, differences. A good man will understand that his limitations do not apply to everyone. BTW: Great quote, Lrsky!
Thx Rodman99999.
Nice to know someone is paying attention...my comments about the Chef's class apparently went unnoticed...
To the original point...when I ran my own audio store...I worked for years to be able to do blind tests...
I would always do an A/B/A

New cables would arrive...I'd listen to the A...then the B....then the A...making notes on each...Don't try to fool me with repeats...let me hear it in that order.
BUT...it's not for everyone...early on, I felt staged...as if I was being tested...funny.
In later years...it came more naturally...but I can fully see the stress that this kind of experience creates.

Jim Thiel...one of a kind...sorely missed...not only brilliant...a gentle soul.
