Worst Name for A Piece of Equipment

There is a CD player with a good reputation that goes by the name fog. I don't think any audiophile would want a CD player to sound foggy. What other names do you know which are a contradiction in terms or are simply unpleasant sounding.
With no inference as to the sound, I find these names to be amusing:

Rethm gives me the impression that they 'nearly' provide rhythm.

Virtual Dynamics isn't bad until you use the acronym.

Audio Note...is that all I get, only one note?

Valve Amplification Company...powered by what, Electron Mover power cords? On the other hand, the shortened "VAC" is rather virile.

Coincident(ly), they just might sound good to you.

Pipedreams. To own them, or to get them to sound like I want?
Pass, just too easy to write the review.

Nad, the stereo to buy when you wanna hava ball.

Gallo, I listen to what I drink....I love you maaaan.

Creek, where you'll be when you buy this stuff.

Beveridge, another hi fi brand that wants to be a drink, I see a pattern here.

MIT Terminator, screw higher learning, I just want to listen to "Dark Side Of The Moon" again.

Transparent, how do you find the stuff once you misplace it, must be even harder when listening to the Gallo speakers?

Monster X-terminator, worked at my house, I don't see many monsters any more.
Fried loudspeakers - don't know why someone would want a speaker that had been used by headbangers etc. at lease breking levels

Audiostatic - the last thing I want to hear

Broken Lamp Amp Company - love the name, but if the lamp broke, who knows what condition the amp's in

ARC pre/power amplifiers - again, was there any damage?

Pink Triangle - do I really need to explain?!?

Ack! DAC - Does the commercial have a duck quacking over a bunch of unaware people? Seems to be a great product, though

Aloia - sounds like a New Yawker saying "a lawyer"

CAT - better than calling your product a dog...

Yamamura - NOBODY talks about my mama!!!

Xhifi - well, what do they do now?

Wattgate - no, open the doors

Virtual Bass Technologies - no, thanks. I'll take the real stuff

Voyd Turntables - I thought analog was supposed to be more seamless than digital

OK, I'm getting tired of typing, but I wouldn't mind some T+A...
Bob Crump designed an excellent line conditioner named:


It certainly isnt' the most exotic or attractive name for a good piece of equipment.
