Best CD/SACD under $1500 new or used

What is the best CD/SACD player you can buy under $1500? I have read many of the posts here and many of you like the SONY SCD-777ES.
I noticed on one of your earlier posts that you wanted a really good basic system. Suggestion: Get a Sony DVP-S9000ES on Audiogon for around $500 and save enough to get a good PC (such as JPS Labs Digital AC, $200-$250) and some mid to high-end IC's, and you will be amazed at the quality of sound for redbook and SACD. Since it is a DVD player you can also play the 96/24 or 192/24 DAD's (Digital Audio Discs) from Classic Records. This player is high quality build throughout and very highly reviewed.
I have owned the SCD-1 and still have a Sony SCD-XA777ES (the multi-channel version of the SCD-777ES) for the basement home theater system. I have done A/B comparisons and if there is any difference in performance between those players then it is so miniscule that its not worth fretting over. I have also heard the Sony players against Musical Fidelity, etc. at shows and dealers, and again, any difference in performance is not enough, if any, to justify 2-3 times the price of the Sony. Also has a nice, elegant look with high WAF.
Good luck with your system and have fun with it.
I have a DVP-S9000ES. Its great "except" that it won't play CD-R's. It was Sony's protest year trying to fight music sharing. But will play DVD-R's. For that reason I had to get another real CD player. Too bad I still love the unit.