Furthest reception from your tuner and how?

I am moving to a remote location - about 4 hours from San Francisco and 6 hours from Portland. There is some radio, but... I'm curious. A few questions for you tuner guru guys:

What equipment do you use?
Modded or stock?
How many filter and gangs, antennas, sleuths, etc.?
What's the most remote signal you have been able to pull?
How has it sounded?
Any thoughts on things you would try if given the opportunity?
Hmmm... sounds like maybe people were pushing the truth a bit when they were saying they were in Eugene and picking up Portland and Seattle stations?
A hi gain antenna is the answer if you`re in the boonies. If the stations are scattered, add a rotor.
I know it's all relative, but I'm looking for someone to answer my question about earth coverage distances and gain sensitivity. Does anyone know the formula for FM/Earth coverage based on parallax, and antenna height? Or where I might find it? In terms of absolute distances?
Arrrrggggggghhhh... obviously someone who missed my post in "the best tuner" thread...